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Going round in circles: development of the zebrafish vestibular system

日期: 2014-11-21

Title:Going round in circles: development of the zebrafish vestibular system
Speaker:Tanya Whitfield, PhD
Reader in Developmental Biology
Bateson Centre
Department of Biomedical Science
University of Sheffield
Host: 刘东(电话:62753189) 

The zebrafish provides a particularly tractable model system for studying development and function of the vestibular system of the inner ear.  Although it lacks a cochlea, the anatomy of the fish ear is otherwise highly conserved with mammals, consisting of three semicircular canals and three otolithic organs.  In this talk, I will present our recent data on development and tethering of the otoliths, the stony bodies in the ear that are used to detect sound in addition to gravity and linear accelerations.  I will also present our work on the early formation of the semicircular canal system.  This involves the movement, fusion and rearrangement of otic epithelia, and is dependent on extracellular matrix production and a GPCR-based signalling pathway.   We are using confocal and light sheet microscopy to image canal morphogenesis in real time in transgenic embryos and adult fish, and are correlating morphological abnormalities in the ear with specific behavioural abnormalities.  Mutants with ear abnormalities display hyperactivity and circling behaviour, consistent with vestibular deficits.
