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Cellular approaches to vocal learning

日期: 2014-05-09

题目:Cellular approaches to vocal learning
报告人:David Perkel
Associate Chair for Research, Department of Biology,
Professor, Depts. of Biology and Otolaryngology, University of Washington,Seattle
时间:2014年5月9日(周五),13:00-14:30 PM
Selected Publications:
1. Mahrt E, Perkel DJ, Tong L, Rubel EW, Portfors CV (2013) Engineered deafness reveals that mouse courtship vocalizations are innate. J. Neurosci. 33:5573-83.
2. Wood WE, Roseberry T, Perkel DJ (2013) HTR2 receptors in a songbird premotor cortical-like area modulate spectral characteristics of zebra finch song. J. Neurosci. 33:2908-2915. PMCID: PMC3711768.
3. Mahrt E, Perkel DJ, Tong L, Rubel EW, Portfors CV (2013) Engineered deafness reveals that mouse courtship vocalizations are innate. J. Neurosci. 33:5573-83.
4. Michalski N, Babai N, Renier N, Perkel DJ, Chédotal A, Schneggenburger R (2013) Robo3-driven axon midline crossing conditions functional maturation of a large commissural synapse. Neuron 78:855-868.