金沙集团wwW3354CC & 生命科学联合中心
题目:Biogenesis, turnover and mode of action of plant microRNAs
报告人:Xuemei Chen
Furuta Chair Professor/HHMI Investigator
Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, Institute for Integrative Genome Biology
University of California, Riverside
时间:2014年3月7日(周五),下午13:00-14:30 PM
microRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small regulatory RNAs that have large impacts on gene expression in both plants and animals. We have been studying the mechanisms underlying the metabolism of miRNAs in Arabidopsis. The steady-state levels of miRNAs are determined by the balance between miRNA biogenesis and miRNA degradation. miRNA biogenesis is a multi-step process that includes transcription of MIR genes, processing of miRNA precursors, modification of miRNA/miRNA* duplexes, and effector binding of mature miRNAs. Our studies on the consequences of lack of miRNA methylation revealed at least two mechanisms that target mature miRNAs for degradation. Our recent studies on key players in some of these miRNA metabolic processes will be discussed.
Plant miRNAs repress target gene expression via one of two or both mechanisms, target RNA cleavage and translational repression. Recent studies in our lab have uncovered an unexpected connection between the translational repression activity of plant miRNAs and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). On-going studies are further exploring this link and will be discussed.