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RNA modifications as naturally-selected chemical diversity involved in various biological processes

日期: 2013-11-15
题目:RNA modifications as naturally-selected chemical diversity involved in various biological processes
报告人:Tsutomu Suzuki
Professor, Department of Chemistry and biotechnology, University of Tokyo
时间:2013年11月15日(周五),下午13:00-14:30 PM
RNA molecules are modified enzymatically after transcription. RNA modifications are a significant form of qualitative information which is required for proper-functioning of the RNA molecule. More than 100 different species of modified nucleotides have been found in various RNA molecules across all domains of life. There are still many novel modifications to be discovered. RNA modifications appear to confer chemical diversities to simple RNA molecules basically composed of four letters, to acquire a greater variety of cellular functions. These modifications are known to stabilize tertiary structures of RNA molecules, modulate affinity with other RNAs and RNA-binding proteins, regulate decoding property of genetic code, determine subcellular localization and lifetime of RNAs. However, the exact function and biogenesis of many RNA modifications remain to be investigated. We are exploring novel RNA modifications in tRNA, rRNA and other non-coding RNAs from various organisms. I am going to show our recent progress on biogenesis and functions of newly identified RNA modifications.