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邮  箱: yaom (AT) pku.edu.cn

职  称:副教授




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姚蒙,金沙集团wwW3354CC和生态研究中心研究员,博雅特聘教授,博士生导师。北京大学生物化学及分子生物学学士,美国密西根大学(University of Michigan)分子细胞及发育生物学博士,密西根大学医学院博士后,2010年至今于北京大学工作。研究领域为分子生态学及生物多样性,利用分子生物学、遗传学、生物信息学等方法研究生态学问题,近年来研究方向主要为利用环境DNA方法解析生物多样性分布模式、群落构建机制及环境影响因素,基于分子宏条形码的动物精准食性分析和食物网关系研究,以及多种受威胁野生动物的种群遗传学。迄今发表SCI论文40余篇,近5年作为通讯作者发表于Science Advances,Current Biology,Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment,Environmental Science & Technology等期刊。现任Environmental DNA国际期刊副主编。获得国家杰出青年基金项目,并主持和参加国家重点研发计划、科技部第二次青藏高原综合科学考察项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目等。


2007 博士 分子细胞及发育生物学 美国密西根大学
2000 学士 生物化学及分子生物学 北京大学


2024-至今  金沙集团wwW3354CC  长聘副教授/研究员
2018-2024  北京大学生态研究中心/城市与环境学院  副研究员
2010-2018  金沙集团wwW3354CC  助理教授
2007-2009  密西根大学医学院  博士后


国际动物学会青年工作组 成员(2023-2025)
中国毒理学会环境与生态毒理学专业委员会环境DNA学术交流组 成员(2023-至今)
IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group-China国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)物种存续委员会(SSC)灵长类专家组 成员(2017-2025)
中美Kavli前沿科学研讨会组委会 委员(2019-2024)


2020年 金沙集团wwW3354CC最受欢迎教师奖
2017年 罗氏优秀青年教师奖
2013年 绿叶生物医药杰出青年学者奖
2012年 罗氏优秀青年教师奖


中国动物学会 理事(2024-至今)
中国动物学会兽类学分会第十届委员会 委员(2023-2027)
中国动物学会灵长类学分会 理事(2017-至今)
中国生理学会比较生理学专业委员会 委员(2015-至今)
中国大坝工程学会过鱼设施专业委员会 委员(2021-至今)


第十届《兽类学报》 编委(2024-至今) Environmental DNA 副主编(Associate Editor)(2022-至今)


Chapman CA, Valenta K, Bortolamiol S, Mugume SK, Yao M. Chimpanzee Conservation: What We Know, What We Do Not Know, and Ways Forward. In: Chimpanzees in Context: A comparative Perspective on Chimpanzee Behavior, Cognition, Conservation, and Welfare. (2020) Hopper L. M. and Ross R. R. (eds). The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, USA. 《中国大百科全书》第三版生态学卷“行为生态学分支学科” 编委


《陈阅增普通生物学》第五版 编委(2023年出版) 101教材《普通生物学》及《生态学》 编委


      分子生态学 & 生物多样性
1. 利用环境DNA(eDNA)研究生物多样性分布模式和环境影响因素
2. 分子食性和食物网关系研究
3. 野生动物的种群遗传学研究

1. Chen X, Li S, Zhao J, Yao M* (2024) Passive eDNA sampling facilitates biodiversity monitoring and rare species detection. Environment International, 187:108706. (IF 11.8)
2. Yan Z, Luo Y, Chen X, Yang L, Yao M* (2024) Angling and trolling for eDNA: A novel and effective approach for passive eDNA capture in natural waters.
3. Zhang S, Zhan A, Zhao J, Yao M* (2024) Metropolitan pressures: significant biodiversity declines and strong filtering of functional traits in fish assemblages. Science of the Total Environment, 944:173885. (IF 9.8)
4. Lu Q, Liu Y, Zhao J, Yao M* (2024) Successive accumulation of biotic assemblages at a fine spatial scale along glacier-fed waters. iScience, 27(4):109476. (IF 5.8)
5. Zhang S-Y, Qi Y, Zhao J, Liu Y*, Yao M* (2024) Distinct multitrophic biodiversity composition and community organization in a freshwater lake and a hypersaline lake on the Tibetan Plateau. iScience, 27(6):110124. (IF 5.8)
6. Lu S, Zeng H, Xiong F, Yao M*, He S* (2024) Advances in environmental DNA monitoring: standardization, automation, and emerging technologies in aquatic ecosystems. Science China-Life Sciences, 67(7):1368-1384. (IF 9.1) [Review]
7. Lu Q, Cheng C, Xiao L, Li J, Li X, Zhao X, Lu Z, Zhao J, Yao M* (2023) Food webs reveal coexistence mechanisms and community organization in carnivores. Current Biology, 33: 647–659. (IF 10.900)
8. Zhang S, Bi Y, Zhao J, Yao M* (2023) To the north: eDNA tracing of the seasonal and spatial dynamics of fish assemblages along the world’s largest water diversion project. Journal of Environmental Management, 331:117217. (IF 8.910)
9. Lu Q, Zhang S-Y, Du J, Liu Q, Dong C, Zhao J, Wang Y*, Yao M* (2023) Multi-group biodiversity distributions and drivers of metacommunity organization along a glacial–fluvial–limnic pathway on the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Research, 220:115236. (IF 8.431)
10. Zhang S, Zhao J, Yao M* (2023) Urban landscape-level biodiversity assessments of aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates by environmental DNA metabarcoding. Journal of Environmental Management, 340:117971. (IF 8.910)
11. Zhang S, Zheng Y, Zhan A, Dong C, Zhao J, Yao M* (2022) Environmental DNA captures native and non-native fish community variations across the lentic and lotic systems of a megacity. Science Advances, 8(6): eabk0097. (IF 14.972)
12. Chen X, Kong Y, Zhang S, Zhao J, Li S, Yao M* (2022) Comparative evaluation of common materials as passive samplers of environmental DNA. Environmental Science & Technology, 56:10798-10807. (IF 11.357)
13. Yao M*, Zhang S, Lu Q, Chen X, Zhang S-Y, Kong Y, Zhao J. (2022) Fishing for fish environmental DNA (eDNA): ecological applications, methodological considerations, surveying designs, and ways forward. Molecular Ecology, 31(20):5132-5164. (IF 6.622) Invited review.
14. Zhang S, Lin M, Liu J, Chen J, Liu D, Zhao J, Yao M* (2022) A centenary tale: Population genetic insights into the introduction history of the oriental fire-bellied toad (Bombina orientalis) in Beijing. BMC Ecology and Evolution, 22:117. (5yr IF 3.897)
15. 陈晓宇, 姚蒙, 李晟* (2022) 山地景观遗传学研究文献综述. 生态学报, 42(07):3033-3043.
16. Shao X, Lu Q, Xiong M, Bu H, Liu M, Wang D, Zhao J, Li S*, Yao M* (2021) Prey partitioning and livestock consumption in the world’s richest large carnivore assemblage. Current Biology, 31: 4887-4897. (IF 10.900)
17. Shao X, Lu Q, Liu M, Xiong M, Bu H, Wang D, Liu S, Zhao J, Li S*, Yao M*. Generalist carnivores can be effective biodiversity samplers of terrestrial vertebrates. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 19(10):557-563. (IF 13.780)
18. Zheng Y, Zhang S, Lu Q, Zhang S-Y, Wang L, Hong M, Nguyen T, Zhao J, Yao M* (2021) Population genetic patterns of a mangrove-associated frog reveal its colonization history and habitat connectivity. Diversity and Distributions, 27(8):1584-1600. (IF 5.714)
19. Lu Q, Xiao L, Cheng C, Lu Z, Zhao J, Yao M* (2021) Snow leopard dietary preferences and livestock predation revealed by fecal DNA metabarcoding: no evidence for apparent competition between wild and domestic prey. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9:783546. (IF 4.493)
20. Shen Z*, Malanson GP, Yao M, Zhang J (2021) Editorial: Temporal patterns and mechanisms of biodiversity across scales in East Asia. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9:662454. (IF 4.493)
21. 施小刚#, 史晓昀#, 胡强, 冯茜, 金森龙, 程跃红, 张静, 姚蒙, 李晟* (2021) 四川邛崃山脉雪豹与赤狐时空生态位关系. 兽类学报, 41(2):115-127.
22. 金森龙#,瞿春茂#,施小刚,邹晓艳,刘俊,邵昕宁,姚蒙,何廷美,李晟* (2021) 卧龙国家级自然保护区食肉动物多样性及部分物种的食性分析. 野生动物学报, 42(4):958-964.
23. 王迪#, 张丹#, 熊梦吟, 卜红亮, 王大军, 姚蒙, 李晟, 王戎疆* (2021) 果子狸多态性微卫星位点的筛选及特性分析. 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 57(3):395-400.
24. Zhang S, Zhao J, Yao M* (2020) A comprehensive and comparative evaluation of primers for metabarcoding eDNA from fish. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11:1609-1625. (IF 8.335)
25. Zhang S, Lu Q, Wang Y, Wang X, Zhao J, Yao M* (2020) Assessment of fish communities using environmental DNA: Effect of spatial sampling design in lentic systems of different sizes. Molecular Ecology Resources, 20:242-255. (IF 8.678)
26. Werhahn G*, Liu Y, Yao M*, et al. (2020) Himalayan wolf distribution and admixture based on multiple genetic markers. Journal of Biogeography, 47:1272-1285. (IF 4.810)
27. Wang W, Zheng Y, Zhao J, Yao M* (2019) Low genetic diversity in a critically endangered primate: shallow evolutionary history or recent population bottleneck? BMC Evolutionary Biology, 19:134. (IF 3.436)
28. Lin M, Zhang S, Yao M* (2019) Effective detection of environmental DNA from the invasive American bullfrog. Biological Invasions, 21(7):2255-2268. (IF 3.605)
29. 邵昕宁, 宋大昭, 黄巧雯, 李晟, 姚蒙* (2019) 基于粪便DNA及宏条形码技术的食肉动物快速调查及食性分析.生物多样性, 27(5): 543-556.
30. 陆琪, 胡强, 施小刚, 金森龙, 李晟, 姚蒙* (2019) 基于分子宏条形码分析四川卧龙国家级自然保护区雪豹的食性. 生物多样性, 27(9):960-969.
31. Han S#, Guan Y#, Dou H, Yang H, Yao M, Ge J, Feng L*. (2019) Comparison of the fecal microbiota of two free-ranging Chinese subspecies of the leopard (Panthera pardus) using high-throughput sequencing. PeerJ, 7:e6684. (IF 3.061)
32. 史晓昀#,施小刚#,胡强,官天培,付强,张剑,姚蒙,李晟* (2019) 四川邛崃山系雪豹与散放牦牛潜在分布重叠与捕食风险评估. 生物多样性, 27(9):951-959.
33. Wang W, Qiao Y, Li S, Pan W, Yao M* (2017) Low genetic diversity and strong population structure shaped by anthropogenic habitat fragmentation in a critically endangered primate, Trachypithecus leucocephalus. Heredity, 118:542-553. (IF 3.961; Official journal of the Genetics Society of the Great Britain)
34. Wang W, Yao M* (2017) Fine-scale genetic structure analyses reveal dispersal patterns in a critically endangered primate, Trachypithecus leucocephalus. American Journal of Primatology, 79:e22635. (IF 2.288; Official journal of American Society of Primatologists)
35. Xiong M, Wang D, Bu H, Shao X, Zhang D, Li S, Wang R, Yao M* (2017) Next-generation sequencing-based dietary analysis of two sympatric felids in the temperate mountain forests of Southwest China. Scientific Reports,7:41909.
36. 杨树勋*,杨雨壮,郑伟,郑逸韬,姚蒙 (2017) 七鳃鳗的体态变型与检索表的重新编制. 生物学通报, 52:1-3.
37. Zhang D, Xiong M, Bu H, Wang D, Li S, Yao M, Wang R* (2016) Sex identification of the masked palm civet (Paguma larvata) using noninvasive hair samples. Conservation Genetics Resources, 8(3):207-209.
38. Xiong M, Shao X, Long Y, Bu H, Zhang D, Wang D, Li S, Wang R, Yao M* (2016) Molecular analysis of vertebrates and plants in scats of leopard cats (Prionailurus bengalensis) in southwest China. Journal of Mammalogy, 97(4):1054-1064.
39. Bu H#, Hopkins III JB#*, Zhang D, Li S, Wang R, Yao M, Wang D* (2016) An evaluation of hair-snaring devices for small-bodied carnivores in Southwest China. Journal of Mammalogy, 97(2):589–598.
40. Zheng Y, Wang L, Hong M, Yao M* (2016) Isolation and characterization of 20 microsatellite markers for the crab-eating frog Fejervarya cancrivora. Conservation Genetics Resources, 8(3):251-253.
41. Wang W, Qiao Y, Zheng Y, Yao M* (2016) Isolation of microsatellite loci and reliable genotyping using noninvasive samples for a critically endangered primate, Trachypithecus leucocephalus. Integrative Zoology, 11:250-262.
42. Wang W, Qiao Y, Pan W, Yao M* (2015) Low genetic diversity and strong geographical structure of the critically endangered white-headed langur (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) inferred from mitochondrial DNA control region sequences. PLoS ONE 10:e0129782.
43. Jin T, Wang D, Pan W, Yao M* (2015) Nonmaternal infant handling in wild white-headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus). International Journal of Primatology, 36:269-287. (IF 1.994; official journal of the International Primatological Society)
44. Pan W, Gu T, Pan Y, Feng C, Long Y, Zhao Y, Meng H, Liang Z, Yao M* (2014) Birth intervention and non-maternal infant-handling during parturition in a nonhuman primate. Primates, 55: 483-488.
45. Yao M*, Yin L, Zhang L, Liu L, Qin D, Pan W (2012) Parturition in wild white-headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) in the Nongguan Hills, China. International Journal of Primatology, 33: 888-904. (IF 1.994; official journal of the International Primatological Society)
46. Yao M, Hu F, Denver RJ* (2008) Distribution and corticosteroid regulation of glucocorticoid receptor in the brain of Xenopus laevis. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 508: 967-982.
47. Yao M, Schulkin J, Denver RJ* (2008) Evolutionarily conserved glucocorticoid regulation of corticotropin-releasing factor expression. Endocrinology, 149: 2352-2360.
48. Yao M and Denver RJ* (2007) Regulation of vertebrate corticotropin-releasing factor genes. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 153: 200-216.
49. Yao M, Stezel-Poore M, Denver RJ* (2007) Structural and functional conservation of vertebrate corticotropin-releasing factor genes: Evidence for a critical role for a conserved cyclic AMP response element. Endocrinology, 148: 2518-2531.
50. Yao M and Denver RJ* (2006) Developmental and stressor-dependent regulation of corticotropin-releasing factor genes of the South African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. Developmental Biology, 295: 372-372. [Meeting Abstract]
51. Yao M, Westphal N, Denver RJ* (2004) Neuroanatomical distribution and stressor-induced activation of central corticotropin-releasing factor neurons in Xenopus laevis. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 16: 880-893.
52. Yao M, Roh H, Denver RJ* (2004) Structural and functional analysis of corticotropin-releasing factor genes in Xenopus laevis. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 44: 763-763. [Meeting Abstract]
53. Yao M, Westphal N, Denver RJ* (2002) Acute stress-induced elevation of corticotropin-releasing hormone expression in Xenopus laevis. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 42: 1341-1341. [Meeting Abstract]

分子生态学 & 生物多样性


