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邮  箱: changwen (AT) pku.edu.cn

职  称:教授




  • 个人简介
  • 科研领域
  • 代表性论文


1996 - 2000 , 博士后 , 结构生物学 , 美国伊利诺伊大学
1992 - 1994 , 博士后 , 化学 , 北京大学
1990 - 1992 , 理学博士 , 物理 , 北京大学
1987 - 1990 , 理学硕士 , 物理 , 吉林大学
1983 - 1987 , 理学学士 , 物理 , 吉林大学


2001 - 至今 , 首席科学家 , 北京核磁共振中心
2001 - 至今 , 教授 , 金沙集团wwW3354CC
2001 - 至今 , 教授 , 北京大学化学与分子工程学院


中国波谱学会“王天眷波谱学奖” , 2008
国家杰出青年科学基金 , 2003




《波谱学杂志》副主编 《分析测试学报》编委
      主要研究方向: 结构生物学,蛋白质动态结构与相互作用,GPCR动态结构与功能关系及药物筛选


  本实验室的主要研究兴趣在于,应用结构生物学和生物物理技术方法,研究GPCR与不同配基/下游蛋白相互作用条件下的结构动态学(protein dynamics),探索GPCR动态结构与相互作用的特异性,以及对不同下游信号通路的的选择和调节作用。

Xu J, Hu Y, Kaindl J, Risel P, Hübner H, Meada S, Niu X, Li H, Gmeiner P, Jin C*, Kobilka BK*. (2019) Conformational complexity and dynamics in a muscarinic receptor revealed by NMR spectroscopy. Mol Cell (in press)

Yu XC, Hu Y*, Ding J, Li H, Jin C*. (2019) Structural basis and mechanism of the unfolding-induced activation of HdeA, a bacterial acid response chaperone. J Biol Chem. 294, 3192-3206.

Zhang W, Niu X, Ding J, Hu Y*, Jin C*. Intra- and inter-protein couplings of backbone motions underlie protein thiol-disulfide exchange cascade.(2018) Sci Rep. 8, 15448.

Yu XC, Yang C, Ding J, Niu X, Hu Y*, Jin C*. (2017) Characterizations of the interactions between Escherichia coli periplasmic chaperone HdeA and its native substrates during acid stress. Biochemistry. 56, 5748-5757.

Guan L, He P, Yang F, Zhang Y, Hu Y, Ding J, Hua Y, Zhang Y, Ye Q, Hu J, Wang T*, Jin C*, Kong D*. (2017) Sap1 is a replication initiation factor essential for the assembly of pre-replicative complex in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. (2017) J Biol Chem. 292, 6056-6075.

Ding J, Yang C, Niu X, Hu Y*, Jin C*. (2015) HdeB chaperone activity is coupled to its intrinsic dynamic properties. Sci. Rep. 5, 16856.

Hu C, Yu C, Liu Y, Hou X, Liu X, Hu Y*, Jin C*. (2015) A Hybrid Mechanism for the Synechocystis Arsenate Reductase Revealed by Structural Snapshots during Arsenate Reduction. J. Biol. Chem. 290, 22262-73.

Hu Y, Wu Y, Li Q, Zhang W, Jin C*. (2015) Solution Structure of Yeast Rpn9: Insights for Proteasome Lid Assembly. J. Biol. Chem. 290, 6878-89.

Zhang Y, Hu Y*, Li H, Jin C*. (2014) Structural Basis for TatA Oligomerization: An NMR Study of Escherichia coli TatA Dimeric Structure. PLoS One. 9, e103157.

Liu T, Liu , Song C, Hu Y, Han Z, She J, Fan F, Wang J, Jin C, Chang J, Zhou J-M, Chai J*. (2012) Chitin-induced dimerization activates a plant immune receptor. Science 336, 1160-4.

Hu Y, Zhang X, Shi Y, Zhou Y, Zhang W, Su X-D, Xia B, Zhao J*, Jin C*. (2011) Structures of Anabaena calcium-binding protein CcbP: insights into Ca2+ signaling during heterocyst differentiation. J. Biol. Chem. 286, 12381-8.

Hu Y, Zhao E, Li H, Xia B, Jin C*. (2010) Solution NMR structure of the TatA component of the twin-arginine protein transport system from gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 15942-4.

Lescop E, Lu Z, Liu Q, Xu H, Li G, Xia B, Yan H*, Jin C*. (2009) Dynamics of the conformational transitions in the assembling of the Michaelis complex of a bisubstrate enzyme: a 15N relaxation study of Escherichia coli 6-hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin pyrophosphokinase. Biochemistry 48, 302-12.

Li Y, Hu Y, Zhang X, Xu H, Lescop E, Xia B, Jin C*. (2007) Conformational fluctuations coupled to the thiol-disulfide transfer between thioredoxin and arsenate reductase in Bacillus subtilis. J. Biol. Chem. 282, 11078-83.

